Lone Jack, Missouri traffic tickets, especially speeding tickets, are common. Missouri Highway 50 travels right through Lone Jack, Missouri. Fifty highway is wide, has large shoulders, and is fairly straight. It is easy to gain speed on this fast highway through Lone Jack, and most vehicles speed here. Lone Jack Missouri Municipal Police are aggressive with traffic tickets to stop speeding through this municipality. It is common for drivers not from Lone Jack to receive tickets here.
Three Different Traffic Cop Types!
How much will you pay for your Lone Jack speeding ticket (or other traffic ticket) will depend on the type of police officer that pulled you over. There are three possibilities:
Three Different Courts!
These three different types of law enforcement officers will send someone receiving a speeding ticket in Lone Jack to three different courts. That means you could have three different prosecutors, or three different judges, and indeed three different sets of laws. Your court options are as follows:
- Lone Jack Municipal Court = Lone Jack Police Department
- Jackson County Municipal Court = Jackson County Sheriff’s Deputy
- Circuit Court of Jackson County at Independence = Missouri State Highway Patrol Trooper
Three Different Sets of Traffic Laws!
Three different sets of laws apply to these three different traffic court jurisdictions. Lone Jack Municipal court is governed by Missouri Supreme Court Rule 37.58 and Rule 37.64. The ranges for Lone Jack Municipal speeding and traffic ticket fines are set out by Missouri Statute, namely Chapter 577.605 and Chapter 577.612.
A Lone Jack traffic ticket, including speeding, handed out by a Jackson County Sheriff’s Deputy will go to Jackson County Municipal court. It is located in Independence, Missouri. It is governed by the Jackson County code. Specifically, Code Section 5234 indicates the punishments for traffic tickets. These are up to 180 days in jail or a $1,000.00 fine. There are also court costs.
A Lone Jack speeding ticket handed out by a Missouri State Highway Patrol Trooper will carry fines under Section 304.009 of the Statutes of Missouri as well as 304.010. These speeding ticket fines range from $85.00 to $474.00, depending upon the speed, whether it is a school zone, and whether it is a construction zone.
Lone Jack Municipal Court

What will my speeding ticket fine cost if I don’t hire a traffic lawyer?
Lone Jack Missouri Municipal Court carries fines depending upon the speeding limit on the road in which you are ticketed. Most tickets are handed out on Missouri Highway 50, which is 65 mile per hour zone. Fines are as follows:
Posted Speed 65 mph
66-70 mph = $85.00
71-75 mph = $95.00
76-80 mph = $115.00
81-85 mph = $145.00
86 mph and over is determined by the Lone Jack judge.
Posted Speed 55 mph
56-60 mph = $75.00
61-65 mph = $85.00
66-70 mph = $95.00
71-75 mph = $115.00
76 mph and over is determined by the Lone Jack judge.
Posted Speed 45 mph
46-50 mph = $65.00
51-55 mph = $75.00
56-60 mph = $85.00
61-65 mph = $95.00
66 mph and over is determined by the Lone Jack judge.
Posted Speed 35 mph
36-40 mph = $65.00
41-45 mph = $75.00
46-50 mph = $85.00
51 mph and over is determined by the Lone Jack judge.
Posted Speed 25 mph
26-30 mph = $65.00
31-35 mph = $75.00
36-40 mph = $85.00
41 mph and over is determined by the Lone Jack judge.
School Zone 25/35
26-30 mph = $105.50
31-35 mph = $120.50
36-40 mph = $140.50
41 mph and over in a 25 mph zone is determined by the Lone Jack judge.
51 mph and over in a 35 mph zone is determined by the Lone Jack judge.
How much will my speeding ticket cost if I hire a Lone Jack traffic lawyer?
Expect to pay a $225.00 fine for minor traffic violations in Lone Jack Municipal Court, if you hire a lawyer. There will also be attorney’s fees between $100.00 and $150.00. Lone Jack Fines are determined by Section 479.350 and 479.353 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri.
Municipal ordinance violations if committed within the same 12 month period carry a first violation fine of $200.00, a second violation fine of $275.00, a third violation fine of $350.00, and a fourth subsequent violation fine of $450.00. Lone Jack Municipal Court carries court costs of approximately $25.00 in each case.
How much will my insurance premium cost go up if I don’t hire a lawyer?
Insurance premium cost rises are the central reason to have a lawyer amend your traffic violation. Pleading guilty and paying the fine outlined above will cause a permanent notation on one’s criminal record. Just paying a speeding ticket will cause a permanent notation on your driving record. A lawyer can avoid this.
Higher insurance Costs for Even One Traffic Ticket Conviction
A study by insurance.com looked into 490,000 insurance quotes from various persons. The object of the study was to determine how different a traffic ticket and speeding violations affected car insurance premium costs. Over a dozen types of traffic offenses were analyzed. Specifically with respect to speeding the following increases were found:
- 1 to 14 miles per hour over = 11% rise in insurance costs
- 15 to 29 miles per hour over = 12% rise in insurance costs
- 30 miles per hour and more = 15% rise in insurance costs
For most drivers, one would expect to pay $100.00 to $200.00 extra to have a lawyer amend this citation down. That is comparing the fine plus court costs of just paying the traffic ticket against paying the traffic lawyer’s fee and the difference fine amount.
Pay Less Now; Pay Much More Later
Given the rise in insurance premium costs, one will likely break even within the first year. The driver with the speeding ticket in Lone Jack would come out ahead (more money in your pocket) in the second year after hiring the ticket to amend the traffic ticket down. This is not including the additional benefits of a clean driving record and a clean criminal record.
The Advice Traffic Lawyers Give
During the first half of my law practice it was typical to give advice indicating that one speeding ticket was a judgment call on behalf of the person who may or may not be better off hiring a lawyer. New information shows that one is always better off amending a traffic ticket to a non-moving violation that will neither appear on their criminal, nor driving record. This is because of the benefits of:
- A clean driving record
- A clean criminal record
- No points off one’s driver’s license
- Saving money off insurance
Matt Hamilton of Hamilton & Associates, Lawyers is the closest traffic ticket lawyer to Lone Jack Municipal court. Call his office for an idea of your costs and what is best for you. 816-540-4040. He can provide further information you receive a Lone Jack Municipal Court speeding ticket.