Custom contracts
Contracts for Crypto and Blockchain Businesses
Your business contract is your company’s single most important document, as a practical matter. The crypto lawyers at Whale.Law draft custom general contracts for blockchain businesses to:
Define expectations between the parties
Define what happens when things go right
Maximize profits
Minimize losses
Limit risk
Specify how the parties will deal with problems when things go wrong
Avoid regulatory problems
Avoid lawsuits
Limit the cost of unavoidable lawsuits
Save time
Limit ambiguity
Increase business value
Contents of General Contracts in Crypto
Contracts for Blockchain businesses must cover a number of topics. Here is a list of the major necessary terms:

Specify: who are the parties
What is the contact information of each party
How is contact information changed
Specify: who controls what is agreed to or changed (single persons, entities, groups/teams, trusts, agents/lawyers)
A list of all agreements between the parties
That you are replacing all old, outdated agreements
How money (value) is exchanged between the parties
How power is transferred if the parties change
Who has the power to bind (obligate) the parties
What happens if someone dies/disappears/is replaced?
What documents are needed for various types of changes
How the parties deal with money and assets held on behalf of the other party
What documents are provided to the other party
What events require the other party to be notified
How notifications will occur
What happens if a notification fails
How the information of the parties and their relations will be shared with third parties
What the parties will not do
What is each party guaranteeing?
How money and assets will be transferred when the obligation arises
What happens when one party makes a mistake/error
Who has the obligation for regulatory disclosure
What are the security obligations of each party
What happens if either party gets sued over their business relationship
Who makes the business decisions relating to the business relationship between the parties (strategy & tactics)
What happens if one party is negligent? (liability, release, and reimbursement)
The circumstances in which one party can end the business relationship
Tax implications and responsibility
How disputes will be resolved (lawsuits, venue, arbitrations, limitations on awards, attorney’s fees, costs, liquidated damages)
How much will your business improve with contracts customized to your risks and profit?
Let's talk. We can compare the cost of contracts customized to your needs to the risks you take without them.
You will then be in a position to make an informed executive decision.

Trial lawyer Matt Hamilton graduated from the University of Missouri in 1995 with Science degrees in Logistics, Marketing, and Business Administration. Juris Doctor, 1999.