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You are speeding down a curving hill on your bicycle.  You sense the wind against your body.  The sweat on your back and the exhilaration of the exercise rewards your effort.  You are not encased in a glass and steel protective shield, like a motorist.  You are exposed.  You are in the environment; experiencing its virtues, its sites, smells, and feel.  Bicycling is different than riding in a vehicle.  That’s the problem.

Bicycle Accidents, Easier and Worse

Bicycles are smaller than vehicles.  They often blend into the environment and are missed by otherwise well-meaning drivers.  Bicycles are not protected by collision barriers like in vehicles.  Bicycle accidents injuries are worse, even deadly.

A common accident occurs when a bicycle is traveling through an intersection.  The cyclist is going directly ahead.  The bicyclist is then struck by a car driver making a left turn without yielding to the bicyclist.  The vehicle owner has a dented car and scraped paint.  The bicyclist is in an emergency room, then to the orthopedic surgeon, or worse.

The law protects bicyclists from such mishaps.  However, the public has been hesitant to learn and pay attention to the dangers.  This problem is likely to worsen.

Bike Trails; a Fun Addition that Increases Bicycle Accident Rates

Kansas City bicycle accident lawyers expect an increase in car-bicycle accidents.  Across the country, cities like Lee’s Summit are adding bicycle trails and lanes to encourage exercise and economic development.  More bicycles on the road will mean more bicycle accident victims.

Missouri is also increasing recreational bike trails.  For example, Missouri just added a statewide Missouri bike trail known as the “Katie Trail.”  The Katy trail crisscrosses towns, rural areas, and major interstates.  Car drivers unaccustomed to yielding to a bicyclist may not be paying attention.  The bicyclist may be distracted because of the long trail.  Even extreme efforts to lessen accidents are never full proof and bicycle accident injuries occur.

Bias Against Bicycle Victims

Police departments in investigating bicycle accidents often do not even cite the striking vehicle with a traffic ticket.  The infrequency of bicycle accidents leads to a lack of education for all law enforcement officers.  Nearly everyone drives.  Not everyone bicycles.  It is easy to understand the bias.

Society views also color bicycle-car accident claims.  We often view people riding bicycles from the prospective of children.  It’s common for people to ride a bicycle throughout their childhood.  We all remember some of the dangerous and reckless behavior that caused us skinned elbows, knees, and the occasional bump on the head.  It’s easy for people to translate that experience to the present, and blame law abiding, traffic obeying adults on properly equipped bicycles.  It is convenient to blame a car bicycle accident on a child, presuming the child’s inexperience caused the collision.

It’s important for us all to remember these mental preferences when we hear about a car striking a bicyclist.  It’s important for us to enact, implement, and keep in mind the increased prevalence of bicyclist on the road.  None of us want to put an innocent person in the hospital, or the grave.

Trial lawyer Matt Hamilton graduated from the University of Missouri – Columbia in 1995 with Science degrees in Logistics, Marketing, and Business Administration.

Matthew J. Hamilton
Juris Doctor & Crypto Lawyer