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What Does It Cost to Fix a Lake Winnebago Municipal Court Speeding Ticket?

Lake Winnebago Police Department issues many speeding tickets, mainly on Missouri 291 Highway south of Lee’s Summit.  These speeding tickets are processed through Lake Winnebago Municipal Court.  The cost of just paying a Lake Winnebago Municipal Court speeding ticket and not hiring a traffic lawyer is cheaper in the short run and much more expensive in the long run.  This article compares and contrasts the three types of tickets one can get for speeding in Lake Winnebago, Missouri.  This article provides essential information to decide whether to hire a Lake Winnebago traffic attorney.

Job #1 – What Type of Police Officer Gave you the Traffic Ticket?

Four types of police can issue speeding tickets within the city limits of Lake Winnebago, Missouri.  These four types of law enforcement officers are:

  1. Missouri State Highway Patrol Trooper,
  2. Jackson County Sheriff’s Deputy,
  3. Cass County Sheriff’s Deputy, or a
  4. Lake Winnebago Municipal Police Officer.

Job #2 – Police Type Determines What Court You are in

The type of police officer that gave you the Lake Winnebago ticket determines which of the four different courts is yours:

1.    Missouri State Highway Patrol Trooper?

You are in the Circuit Court of Jackson County at Independence or Circuit Court of Cass County at Harrisonville

2.    Jackson County Sheriff’s Deputy?

You will be in Jackson County Municipal Court in Independence

3.    Cass County Sheriff’s Deputy?

You need to go to the Circuit Court of Cass County at Harrisonville (County Court)

4.    Lake Winnebago Municipal Police Officer?

Your destination is Lake Winnebago Municipal Court

What are the Odds my Speeding Ticket is in Lake Winnebago Municipal Court?

The vast majority of speeding tickets within the city limits of Lake Winnebago are handed out by the municipal police department.  This will put you in Lake Winnebago Municipal Court.

Court is typically held on Wednesday mornings.

If you have one of the other types of tickets, visit our information on these particular courts:

  1. Circuit Court of Jackson County at Independence
  2. Jackson County Municipal Court
  3. Circuit Court of Cass County at Harrisonville

How Much will my Lake Winnebago Speeding Ticket Cost?

There are two categories of costs to determine how much you will spend for Lake Winnebago Municipal Court speeding ticket.

Just Pay It – No Lawyer:

Your first option is merely to pay the ticket.  Just paying means you are pleading guilty to the offense.  Just paying means you will be convicted of speeding.  This will give you the following costs:

1 to 10 miles per hour over equals $25.50

11 miles per hour over equals $104.00

12 miles per hour over equals $108.00

13 miles per hour over equals $112.00

14 miles per hour over equals $116.00

15 miles per hour over equals $120.00

16 miles per hour over equals $124.00

17 miles per hour over equals $128.00

18 miles per hour over equals $132.00

19 miles per hour over equals $136.00

20 miles per hour over equals $140.00

21 miles per hour and more is to be determined by the judge.

Don’t Forget – Court Costs:

There are always court costs in Lake Winnebago.  Costs are presently $24.50.

Hire a Lawyer – Pay Through the Lawyer:

The second category is to have a Lake Winnebago traffic attorney amend the citation down to a non-moving violation.  This means it will not appear on your criminal record.  It will not appear on your driving record.  No points will be assessed against your driver’s license.  You will not be at risk for an insurance premium hike from the speeding conviction.  You will not be a risk of losing your driver’s license through a suspension due to points.

Expect attorney’s fees of between $100.00 and $150.00 for a Lake Winnebago Municipal Court speeding ticket.  Additional attorney’s fees are common for multiple traffic tickets (no insurance, driving while suspended, etc.).

What will Happen to My Car Insurance if I Just Pay the Ticket?

A rise in insurance rates is common if you just pay a speeding ticket and get convicted.  The picture to the left includes a link to a detailed analysis of how much you should expect your car insurance to rise if you get a Lake Winnebago traffic ticket.  Click on it and find out.  Typical insurance rate price increases are as follows:

  • 1 to 14 miles per hour over equals 11% rise in insurance costs
  • 15 to 29 miles per hour over equals 12% rise in insurance costs
  • 30 miles per hour and more equals 15% rise in insurance costs

Who is the Best Traffic Lawyer for a Lake Winnebago Speeding Ticket?

serious looking over documents

The closest traffic lawyers to Lake Winnebago Municipal Court are Hamilton and Associates of Pleasant Hill, Missouri.  Matt Hamilton along with his entire family lives in Lake Winnebago.  The Hamiltons have been regularly practicing in Lake Winnebago Municipal Court since the city was founded.

Hamilton has the best reputation for success in this municipal court.  Their cost is the best because of economics of scale because they regularly appear there.  Matt Hamilton, their chief traffic lawyer, can also answer questions about other traffic ticket types and specific questions regarding speeding.


Trial lawyer Matt Hamilton graduated from the University of Missouri – Columbia in 1995 with Science degrees in Logistics, Marketing, and Business Administration.

Matthew J. Hamilton
Juris Doctor & Crypto Lawyer