This Pages Teaches:
- Detailed information on Blue Springs Court from a lawyer’s perspective
- How to evaluate lawyers for your Blue Springs case.
- Blue Springs law on driving while intoxicated, under the influence, suspended or revoked.
The most important criteria to choose the best lawyer for Blue Springs Municipal Court
- Cost
- Success Rate
- Professionalism
Do I need an attorney for Blue Springs Municipal Court for a traffic ticket?
Blue Springs Municipal Court handles Blue Springs city ordinance violations as well as misdemeanor and municipal offenses. These are offenses cited by the Blue Springs city police department. They include cases like driving while intoxicated, car accidents, speeding violations, driving while suspended, no insurance, and failures to yield.
These traffic tickets will be better handled by a lawyer that operates typically in Blue Springs. Traffic tickets can generally be kept off your criminal record, kept off your driving record, and avoid points off your driver’s license. You can nearly always avoid jail time.
What are the advantages of the Hamilton and Associates Lawyers in Blue Springs Municipal Court?
- Professionalism: Our attorneys are highly versed in the law. We have been resolving Blue Springs Municipal Court citations since 1969. Matt Hamilton has been personally resolving Blue Springs city traffic tickets since 1999.We have the specific knowledge and experience. We know the peculiarities of the court, its personnel, and Blue Springs’ laws. We take special pride in the preparation of each case. We work harder on each case than other lawyers.We do not merely “accept” just any plea negotiation offer because a prosecutor makes it. We will consider all the possibilities in what is best for your unique situation.
- Cost: The lawyers at Hamilton and Associates handle more cases in Blue Springs Municipal Court than other law firms. Our law office is right down 7 Highway from the court. This means we are closer to court and in Blue Springs court more often than other lawyers. This efficiency reduces our cost and allows us to benefit our clients more relative to other law firms.I don’t recommend you pay extra money for a lawyer to learn about your type of case or your type of court. Hire somebody with specific skills.
- Success Rate: The results of Hamilton and Associates attorneys are as good as or better than other lawyers. We keep Blue Springs traffic tickets off your driving record. We keep Blue Springs citations off your criminal record. We save points off your driver’s license.We avoid jail time, inconvenience to you, and save you money. In other words, we put the odds in your favor.
Where is Blue Springs Municipal Court?
Blue Springs Municipal Court
1100 SW Smith Street
Blue Springs, MO 64015
Telephone # 816/228-0175
Fax # 816/228-0229

What is Blue Springs Municipal Court’s website address?
Will my Blue Springs Ticket Cost me Driver’s License Points?
Traffic tickets in Blue Springs Municipal Court can lead to convictions, points off your driver’s license, suspensions and a revocation.
Look to this article to determine how many points you stand to lose for your Blue Springs traffic tickets.
What do I need for a Blue Springs Auto Accident?
The prosecuting attorneys at Blue Springs Municipal Court will want to ensure that any victims have received compensation for their damages. Because of this, you will need to obtain proof that your insurance paid any property damage and auto accident injuries. Otherwise, you will need a statement from the victim that he or she is not claiming further auto accident damage.
When your Blue Springs auto accident happens, call your own insurance company, and make a statement to it. We do not recommend you make a statement to the other person’s insurer. Thereafter, they will assign a claims adjuster and that claims adjuster will handle the case. It is this claims adjuster who will write your letter. I would not anticipate the letter to be written by your local insurance agent.
Your Blue Springs auto accident will be resolved at some point. The letter you get from your insurer will assist you in keeping this off of your record. Get that to our office and we will be able to resolve the remainder with the court.
Driving Under the Influence and Driving While Intoxicated – DUI / DWI in Blue Springs Municipal Court
DWI and DUI traffic tickets in Blue Springs Municipal Court carry a term of imprisonment up to ninety (90) days in jail. These are not felony cases.
These DWI and DUI traffic tickets are typically first time offenders. Expect to have to complete the SATOP course. This is an acronym meaning Substance Abuse Traffic Offender Program. You will also have to complete the Victim’s Impact Panel, known as VIP. Expect two (2) years of probation, fines, and court costs. There may also be a cost recoupment for the DWI breathalyzer.
First time offenders will typically avoid a DWI conviction on their record. Their driver’s license is at risk and it is common for a period of suspension. Call our Blue Springs traffic attorneys for more detailed information.

Driving While Suspended / Driving While Revoked in Blue Springs Municipal Court
Whether you are re-instated at the time of court will make a difference in the amount of money you spend in Blue Springs Municipal Court for driving while suspended case. I encourage you to call the Missouri State Department of Revenue, Driver License Bureau, Points Division at 573/751-4475. Have your driver’s license number or Social Security Number ready to key in. Expect to wait on line for 30 minutes. Find out what it will take to reinstate you license. This will help you avoid future driving while suspended cases and reduce your cost in Blue Springs Municipal Court.
For further questions on Blue Springs Municipal Court cases, call our law office and we will assist you to the best degree we can.