Why we are the best law firm for Greenwood cases?
- Success Rate
- Lower Costs
- Higher Professionalism

Greenwood Lawyer Advantages
- Clean Criminal Record – we succeed at keeping Greenwood tickets off the criminal record of our clients.
- A Clean Driving Record – we keep Greenwood traffic tickets off the driving record of our clients saving them a driver’s license suspension, an insurance cost increase, and you benefit from a clean driving record.
- Saving points off your driver’s license – we keep Greenwood traffic tickets from assessing conviction points on your driving record saving your driver’s license.
- Insurance savings – A clean criminal and driving record with the Greenwood ticket will cost less in insurance by avoiding a Greenwood conviction.
- Convenience – Your Greenwood lawyer will handle many traffic tickets for you and save you the cost, stress, and inconvenience in appearing in Greenwood Municipal Court.
Where is Greenwood Municipal Court?
709 W. Main Street,
Greenwood, Missouri 64034;
Telephone Number of 816/537-6969 ext. 103;
Facsimile Number 816/537-7461;
E-mail Address: municipalcourt@greenwoodmo.com

When is Greenwood Municipal Court?
Greenwood Municipal Court has regular, business hours. They are as follows:
Monday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Actual Court dockets are less often, and more specific. Greenwood Municipal Court has an attorney plea docket beginning at 4:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month.
Court session begins for all other persons at 6:00 p.m., typically on the first Tuesday of the month.
Parking at Greenwood Municipal Court
There are two types of parking for Greenwood Court; convenient, and less convenient. At the start of court, there are several spaces available at the Greenwood municipal building, perhaps 5 spots. This is very convenient parking, if you can get it. However, remember not to park in the handicapped parking space (which is hard to see). Remember also not to park in a police spot.
The other parking is on the street or at the Greenwood school, just southwest of the court building. It is a short one half block walk.
Who writes Greenwood Municipal Court tickets?
Greenwood Municipal Court tickets are written by the city police officers of Greenwood, Missouri.
Do not expect a Cass County Sheriff’s Department ticket or a Missouri State Highway Patrol ticket to appear in Greenwood Municipal Court. Those traffic tickets go to the Circuit Court of Cass County at Harrisonville.
How Many Points will my Ticket Cost my Driver’s License?
It is important to keep track of the number of tickets you have remaining on your driver’s license. Losing points can cause your driver’s license to be suspended. For some traffic tickets, getting just one citation will suspend your license. Multiple traffic tickets add up to multiple subtractions from your driver’s license. Look to this article. Keep in mind how many points you stand to lose.
How is the speeding ticket “fixed?”
Expect that your speeding ticket will be amended to a defective equipment charge if it is within the normal range of speeding tickets in Greenwood court.
How much should my speeding ticket cost?
You should spend between $325.00 and $400.00 total. Click on the link attached to the photograph on the left for a detailed breakdown of Greenwood speeding ticket costs.
Prices vary in Greenwood Municipal Court. This is because speed over the limit varies, driving records vary. There are also the issues of age (especially for young drivers), and what the Greenwood police wrote on the ticket (be polite!). Expect your lawyers to know those price differences. Contact our office for any changes. We will be able to give you the exact cost of a Greenwood Municipal Court speeding ticket if amended by a Greenwood lawyer.
SPEEDING – How do I “fix” a Greenwood Municipal Court Speeding ticket with a lawyer?
Hiring a Greenwood lawyer to handle your speeding traffic ticket for Greenwood Municipal Court is simple. Simply call us, raise the money, give us a copy of your traffic ticket, and expect us to resolve speeding ticket problem.
DWI / DUI – Driving While Intoxicated and Driving While Under the Influence in Greenwood
Greenwood Municipal Court handles misdemeanor driving while intoxicated and influence traffic tickets. Expect for Greenwood city police officer to pass a first offense DWI offender or a second DWI offender on to Greenwood Municipal Court. DWI tickets typically include two years of probation supervised by a private company, like Midwest ADP.
The SATOP course is a typical requirement for a Greenwood DWI. S.A.T.O.P. is an acronym, meaning Substance Abuse Traffic Offender Program. SATOP for a DWI in Greenwood will include both an evaluation, a class, and random urine analysis tests. The frequency of your DWI urinalysis tests will depend upon your evaluation, past urinanysis tests, and feedback from your probation supervisor. Expect to take a class as a part of SATOP. SATOP classes for a DWI include OEP (Offender Education Program), WIP (Weekend Intervention Program), and CIP (Clinical Intervention Program. These three DWI SATOP classes vary in price, length, and intensity.
VIP, known as the Victims Impact Panel is a common requirement for a Greenwood, Missouri DWI or DUI.
Expect to pay fines, court costs, and a potential cost recoupment (to pay for the Greenwood Police Department breathalyzer) as part of your Greenwood DWI.
Our Greenwood lawyers will gather all the needed documents and tangible evidence from the State of Missouri and the Driver’s License Bureau. We will comb over the evidence for the Greenwood Municipal DWI and look for any defenses. Our lawyers find defenses even though they do not initially appear to exist. Our Greenwood lawyer’s analysis will reveal whether you can get a more lenient charge or a dismissal entirely for your driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence accusation.
Expect that we will in any event be able to keep it off of your record and out of jail for Greenwood Municipal Court DWI or DUI.
CAR CRASH – What about a Greenwood auto accident?
We have Greenwood auto accident lawyers at Hamilton and Associates. Its normal for us to manage a Greenwood auto accident for charges such as:
- Careless and Imprudent Driving
- Failing to Yield by Causing a Motor Vehicle Accident
- Following Too Close and Causing an Accident
- Greenwood Traffic Tickets with an Injury Accident
Greenwood Municipal Court has court costs of just under $30.00. Fines while technically go up to $500.00 are often approximately $200.00. Jail can be held at Greenwood Municipal Court of up to 90 days. Jail is unusual.
How your Greenwood auto accident will be resolved depends a lot on whether you had insurance at the time, the extent of the insurance, whether there is an auto accident injury, and what the Greenwood auto accident report states. Your driver’s license is at risk. Your criminal record is at risk. A rise in insurance rates is at risk. Our Greenwood auto accident lawyers mitigate and manage the risks for you.
Driving While Suspended and Driving While Revoked in Greenwood
Our Greenwood attorneys frequently resolve these very serious DWS and DWR suspended and revoked traffic tickets. Greenwood court will want a conviction and points off your license. You will want to avoid this. A conviction for driving while revoked or driving while suspended in Greenwood can suspend your driver’s license. Multiple convictions can lead to a felony charge.
Our Greenwood lawyers are the best at contacting the Department of Revenue Driver’s License Bureau Points Division, saving driver’s license, and avoiding convictions for driving while suspended or revoked.
Who is the Greenwood Municipal Court judge?
The Honorable Garry L. Helm is the Judge of Greenwood, Missouri. The Honorable Gerry Furnell also serves as Judge of Greenwood. Our Greenwood lawyers have worked with Judge Helm and Judge Furnell for decades. Each does an excellent job.
Who is the Greenwood City Prosecutor?
Tracy Spradlin, is the prosecuting attorney of Greenwood, Missouri. Our Greenwood lawyers have worked with Mrs. Spradlin for years. She is fair, competent, and an excellent lawyer.
What is the website for Greenwood Municipal Court?
Look at www.greenwoodmo.com
View the Greenwood Municipal Court dockets and case information from 2016 to the present at:
How are payments made in Greenwood Municipal Court?
Greenwood Municipal Court is different than others. Our Greenwood lawyers and you personally can make payments online or over the phone.
To make a payment by telephone, call weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 1-800-444-1187. This telephone number has representatives that also speak foreign languages.
What forms of payment does Greenwood Municipal Court take?
Greenwood Municipal Court accepts the following types of payments:
- Cash
- Debit Card
- Credit Card (Visa or Mastercard)
- Money Order
- Cashier’s check
- Local checks from a Defendant or a parent of a student (Counter checks and starter checks are not allowed)
Greenwood Municipal Court accepts payment personally to the clerk herself or over the telephone. Please also remember Greenwood Municipal Court City Hall has a dropbox.
Is there a dress code at municipal court in Greenwood?
Our Greenwood lawyers stress the dress code at Greenwood Municipal Court. The following items are prohibited:
- Clothing with obscene words, images, or messages that are disrespectful to the court
- Dirty work clothing
- Athletic team uniforms, hats, or helmets
- Tank tops or see-through blouses
- Swimming suits
- Lingerie
- Shorts, mid-riffs, cut-offs, or halter tops
It seems humorous that Greenwood Municipal Court must prohibit these items. Our Greenwood lawyers have personally seen defendants wear these. We suggest proper attire and appropriate dress for Greenwood Municipal Court.
How does an attorney Enter his Appearance for Greenwood Municipal Court?
How does an attorney Continue a case in Greenwood Municipal Court?
Greenwood Municipal Court prefers an electronic Entry of Appearance over USPS mail. Simply click on this link.
Entry of Appearance
Fill in the banks provided in this link.
Continuances – The Entry form has a box at its bottom, requesting whether the attorney wishes to continue his case.
It is also acceptable to fax an Entry and Request for Continuance to the Greenwood Municipal Court Clerk at 816-537-7461. This is recommended when additional reasons for the continuance will need to be explained to Greenwood Municipal Court Judge Garry Helm.
If Granted, the Greenwood Court Clerk will respond either via facsimile or internet email.
Can a Defendant who is not an Attorney Request a Greenwood Court Continuance in advance?
Greenwood Municipal Court presently allows a ONE TIME ONLY over the telephone continuance (816-537-6969).
This does not apply to Domestic Abuse cases.
A Defendant must personally appear in court for a second continuance.