non compete agreements
Non-Compete Agreements
Convince your employees not to leave and compete against you
Are enforceable if an employee turns into a competitor
Are superior in appearance
We draft non-compete agreements for :
Crypto / Blockchain Companies
Small Businesses
Medium size Businesses
Convincing Employees Not to become a Competitor
It is wise to win before a fight, if possible. Our attorneys draft non-compete agreements that can be read, are easily understood, convey that the employer/employee relationship should be based on trust, and that it is each employee’s best interest to abide by the promises they made in their non-compete agreement. Convincing everyone to honor their non-compete agreement commitments saves time, stress, legal fees, collection fees, and reputation. Having a non-compete agreement that convinces would-be wrongdoers to act correctly allows everyone to focus on the business they love, and not the conflict they create.
Enforcement: Suing, Winning, and Collecting a Judgment Against Your Competitor
Two types of opinions are prevalent regarding non-compete agreements:
People think no non-compete agreements are enforceable
People think any non-compete agreement is enforceable
The truth is in the middle. Non-compete agreements are disfavored in politics, public opinion, and in courts. Many non-compete agreements are not enforceable because the contracts are poorly drafted, or do not apply to the factual situation. Properly drafted, specifically tailored non-compete agreements are very enforceable and work to prevent unfair competition and talent theft.

Our contracts and paperwork are more attractive and professional than other law firms produce for crypto companies, and businesses. We take this extra time and expense for good reason.
- It will impress your employees, your customers, and contractors,
- Reduce the likelihood of negotiations for amendments,
- Easier to reference and find particular terms
Being more professional in appearance will add to the correct impression that you are at the forefront of your business.
Our contracts are easy to reference. They do not contain “legalese” but instead are easy for you and your employees to understand. Our font size is readable. The contracts are not too long and get to the point. You will be able to print them without difficulty.
The Process:
We will set up a meeting either in person or over videoconference. We will be looking for the following information:
- Prospective employees?
- Current Employees?
- Third party contractors?
- Executives?
- Students?
- Interns?
- Customer lists?
- Prospective Customer lists?
- Programming?
- Business Strategies?
- Marketing plans?
- Data base?
- Trade secrets?
- Sales?
- Product creation?
- Management?
- Professional services?
- Non-professional services?
- Where is your Headquarters?
- Where is your principal place of business?
- Where do the persons you wish to sign this non-compete agreement reside?
- Where do the persons you wish to sign this non-compete agreement do their job?
- Do they keep their promises?
- Meaning any special points of leverage.
- We will have to discuss the reasons for the time period and what the courts in your jurisdiction allow.
After our meeting, we will begin the drafting process.
Time to completion will depend upon the complexity and volume of the work, as well as the number of changes, and other complicating factors.
Call us if you are serious about protecting your business with the investment of a properly drafted tailored non-compete agreement.
Let's talk about the best ways to avoid creating your own competition.
Avoid embroiling yourself in an expensive lawsuit to defend what you have already earned. A Non-Compete Agreement tailored to your business will secure you.