Where is Raymore Municipal Court?
Raymore Municipal Court is on the Municipal Circle. This is the same area just south of 58 Highway by the Police Stations. It is located at:
100 Municipal Circle
Raymore, MO 64083
Telephone #: 816/331-1712
Fax#: 816/331-0634
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Forms for Attorneys in Raymore Municipal Court
Raymore Municipal Court online ticket research
When is Raymore Municipal Court?
The Raymore Municipal Court holds its dockets starting at 6:00 p.m. the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. Attorneys should expect to show up at 4:00 p.m. Defendant’s arraignment dockets are at 6:00 p.m.
Note that most Raymore court dockets are now held virtually, online. The court clerk should forward to you a link to sign into your court hearing. It may be wise to contact the court the day before your court date, if you have not yet received the means to sign into your virtual court hearing.
For the payment of costs, fees, and other matters, Raymore Court is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. – Monday through Friday.
What Punishments May Raymore Court Impose?
Missouri Municipal Law gives Raymore Municipal Court authority for up to ninety (90) days in jail, a $225.00 fine (or fine + court costs combined) for most offenses ($500 for others), plus just under $30.00 in court costs per offense.
Offenses can appear permanently on your driving record and permanently on your criminal record. You may lose points off of your license and have it suspended or revoked.
Rather than face these consequences, we recommend you hire a Raymore attorney, such as through our office, to handle these risks.
What kind of cases does Raymore Court Handle?
Raymore Municipal Court handles non-felony misdemeanor and City ordinance violations. They are traffic tickets from Raymore Municipal Police Officers.
You should not expect a Missouri State Highway Patrol or a Sheriff’s Deputy traffic ticket to go to Raymore Court. Rather, those traffic tickets are sent to the Circuit Court of Cass County at Harrisonville.

How Many Driver’s License Points will I Lose?
You start out with twelve points on your driver’s license when it is first issued to you. You lose two or more points for each ticket you pay. Losing eight points will suspend your driver’s license. Losing twelve points will revoke you. Many people do not realize that some tickets take twelve points off your driver’s license. One ticket alone can revoke your license!
It is important to know and plan how many driver’s license points you face losing for your Raymore tickets. Follow the link to the Guide on the Drover’s License Points System. It will reveal how many points you will lose. Then, you will have the knowledge to plan what is in your best interest.
Raymore Municipal Court Speeding Tickets
There is a fine difference on speeding tickets in Raymore depending upon whether you have an attorney to keep your driving record clean or whether you plead guilty and get convicted. The scale of fine amounts in Raymore Court is not continuous but rather goes up in steps. Expect similar fines from 1 to 15 miles per hour over, then 16 to 20 miles per hour over, then 21 and over.
It is in our opinion it is always better to handle a Raymore speeding ticket through a Raymore Court attorney, because the increase of your automotive insurance costs through a conviction, exceeds the cost of the fine and the attorney’s fee. Fines and court costs depend on circumstances and change from time to time, so call our Raymore lawyers to know the precise amounts.
Driving While Intoxicated (DWI or DUI) in Raymore Court
The driving while intoxicated traffic ticket is the most expensive Raymore City ticket one can get. It is absolutely necessary in our opinion that one have an attorney that specializes in this area to handle your Raymore driving while intoxicated ticket.
We expect that it will be able to be kept off of your criminal record. There will be two (2) years of probation. You will need to complete the SATOP course. You will need to complete the Victim’s Impact Panel (VIP). You will have to pay in to the Raymore Municipal Court fines, court costs, and perhaps a recoupment to pay for the Breathalyzer from your DWI.
There will be an attorney’s fee. The amount of the fee will depend upon the case as the amount of work involved depends on a case by case basis. Further, the degree of your criminal record will have an effect on the cost because it will have an effect on the amount.
Call our office for details.
Raymore Auto Accident Tickets
Car accidents that come with traffic tickets in Raymore Municipal Court must be resolved to keep the wreck off your criminal and driving record. This can be done.
First, it will be necessary to prove that insurance has paid the damages from the collision. Otherwise, the Raymore defendant will need to insure that the victim is not claiming damages against him or her, or that he has paid for the car wreck damages.
Expect to pay fines and court costs of several hundred dollars. Expect to pay several hundred dollars to the attorney, as an attorney’s fee. These cases can be resolved to your satisfaction, but of course every accident is different and therefore the result shall be different.
Driving While Suspended and Driving While Revoked in Raymore
The DWS / DWR traffic tickets are the second most expensive ticket one can get through Raymore Municipal Court. The amount of your fine will depend upon whether you are reinstated at the time of the resolution of your case. There are two sets of laws that govern driving while suspended in Raymore Municipal Court. First are the Missouri statutes on suspended driving. Second are Raymore’s laws on suspended driving. They are essentially identical.
This page singles out driving while suspended or revoked because of the need for a criminal defense of this traffic ticket. It carries a mandatory suspension of your driver’s license. IF you’re already suspended, expect your suspension to be extended. Multiple traffic tickets of this type quickly add up. Defendants drive by a police officer. The officer runs the license plate. The plate comes back as connected to a suspended driver. Defendant gets pulled over. Another ticket; more money; and now you’re facing mandatory jail time. Multiple DWS traffic tickets turn into felonies That is the importance of avoiding these problems where they can be avoided.
Call the Driver License Bureau points division at 573-751-4475, or stop by and do what is necessary to reinstate your license. This will save you several hundred dollars and reduce the risk of you getting additional driving while suspended traffic tickets.
What is Our Experience in Raymore Court?
Our attorney, Matt Hamilton, has lived in Raymore for many years. We are native to the area. We have known the court personnel for over three decades and regularly appear in the court. We are at least equal to, if not the most experienced attorneys in Raymore.