The Purpose of this page is to:
- Show What you Need to Know if you are charged here.
- Help you Decide Whether you need a lawyer.
Why should I hire a Warrensburg lawyer for my Municipal Court Charges?
We have an advantage in Warrensburg Municipal Court and are the best attorneys for the following reasons:
- Cost
- Experience
- Honesty
- Success rate
Where is Warrensburg Municipal Court?
Warrensburg is a large town in Central Johnson County, Missouri just off Highway 50 & Highway 13. Warrensburg is between the cities of Lone Jack and Sedalia. It operates its own Municipal Court at the following location:
102 S. Holden Street
Warrensburg, MO 64093
Telephone #: 660/747-9132
Fax#: 660/747-1867
What is Warrensburg Municipal Court’s Website Address?
When is Warrensburg Municipal Court Open?
Warrensburg Municipal Court is open between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
It is closed Saturday, Sunday and City recognized holidays.
When is Warrensburg Municipal Court Actually Held?
There are several dockets for Warrensburg Municipal Court. The traffic docket begins at 9:00 a.m. There is a miscellaneous docket at 1:30 p.m. Trials for Warrensburg Municipal Court are held at either 9:30 a.m. or 2:30 p.m.
The Prosecutor of Warrensburg Municipal Court is James “Jim” Hall. He keeps hours Tuesday mornings at 9:00 a.m. The Prosecutor will only speak to attorneys and by appointment only.
How do I get records from Warrensburg Municipal Court?
Any request for documents from Warrensburg Municipal Court must be submitted to the Court Administrator in writing. A closed record Sunshine Law request will be needed. Your request will have to be signed and notarized. It should take between one to two weeks for the City Administrator to process the document request.
Who writes Warrensburg Municipal Court tickets?
Court citations are written by the Warrensburg Police Department. One should not expect a Johnson County Missouri Sheriff’s deputy or Missouri State Highway Patrol Trooper ticket to wind up in Warrensburg Municipal Court. Rather, Highway Patrol and Sheriff tickets will be held at the Circuit Court of Johnson County, Missouri at Warrensburg.
How Many Points will my Ticket Cost my Driver’s License?
You lose multiple points for each traffic ticket conviction. Points convictions will suspend, even revoke your driver’s license. Your driver’s license is a privilege, not a right under Missouri law. This means you can easily lose your license, just for a few traffic tickets. Indeed, “just paying” some types of tickets will revoke your driver’s license, just from that one traffic ticket!
Don’t be the person who failed to plan, thus planned to fail. Follow this link. It’s to a Definitive Guide to the Missouri Driver’s License Points System. There, you will be able to discover the risk you face. Then, you can plan how best to save your driver’s license.
What sorts of cases are held at Warrensburg Municipal Court?
Warrensburg Municipal Court resolves misdemeanor and ordinance cases within Johnson County, Missouri with the borders of the City of Warrensburg. These are Warrensburg city law violations only. Punishments of up to 90 days in jail or fines of up to $225 for most traffic offenses. Fines of up to $500 may be imposed for other offenses are levied.
Expect the Warrensburg Municipal Court to handle traffic tickets, assault, driving while intoxicated, driving under the influence of drugs, and misdemeanor charges such as those from Central Missouri State University (now Central Missouri University).

Do I need an attorney for Warrensburg Municipal Court?
We believe it is always better to have an attorney for Warrensburg Municipal charges. For traffic tickets in Warrensburg, it is better to keep convictions off of your criminal record, off of your driving record, and avoid points off your license.
The money you invest in having an attorney facilitate the process for you is more than made up for in insurance cost savings. Furthermore, saving your license and your permanent record are of immeasurable value.
Our attorneys can avoid jail time, save your license and record, and avoid the nervousness and hassle of the court process.
Call our criminal defense lawyers if you have a Warrensburg Municipal case. We will be happy to help.